Hands off our images!
We had an incident of late whereby another company working in Video Brochures marketing was using images of our projects to make it look like they offered them.
Suffice to say we obviously were not happy with this. On several counts.
Firstly it looks sketchy as hell, why use our images when you blatantly haven’t done them?
Secondly, it’s ultimately misleading. It shows that the company in question (we’re not going to name and shame them) have never worked on the projects in question and are merely using them to drum up business for themselves.
Hey, we love healthy competition here at Media Plant. We really do, we set ourselves apart by offering a quality consultative approach.
When someone uses your project imagery? We have to draw the line at that.
A quick email to the company in question resolved the matter, and they were polite and actioned the request as soon as possible.
So how do you send a polite email if someone is using your images?
Firstly put together a friendly email, no need to get shirty. A friendly email goes the distance and will more than likely get resolved than going all guns blazing!
Something along the lines of:
Hi (recipient),
Just a quick email to let you know we have received word that the following images are being used on your site:
list them one by one (if of course, they have more than one!)
https://website.com/exampled.jpgAs you can see from the above, the images listed are actually works by us as a company, and you do not have permission to use them on your site.
If you could remove the images and let us know once this is done that would be great.
Kind regards
A Person
That’s it, that’s all you have to do. No need to get nasty or pushy, just polite wording.
If of course they persist and do not resolve the issue and you’re in the UK you can always pursue the matter further with by writing something up and calling them out.
This, of course, is the last resort and should only be used if all other efforts are failing!